Lumiere Medispa - Skin Health & Rejuvenation Clinic

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Why do we use LED (Light Emitting Diode) in our regimes?

We are starting to see fewer daylight hours as we enter into autumn and winter, and I often hear how much we prefer the longer, lighter days and how uplifted we feel when there is more sunshine. We know there are physiological benefits and notice the positive effects on our skin. However, Ultraviolet Radiation can have a negative impact on the skin over time and the importance of wearing sunscreen.

The light we see, visible light (daylight), has many colours. Imagine the rainbow; these colours (wavelengths) of daylight can be measured, and each one is utilised for their positive benefits.

Here's the interesting part…

In the 1980s, NASA experimented with LED when growing plants in space.

NASA used these different wavelengths of light to measure their effects and benefits. During these experiments, the scientists noticed that abrasions on their hands seemed to heal faster than usual.

These experiments played a significant part in the research and development of light therapy technology without the harmful effects of prolonged ultraviolet radiation.

So why do we use our LED light therapy device, Dermalux, with our treatments?

It's clinically proven, painless, relaxing and beneficial, and it also has the potential to affect mood and serotonin levels through the stimulation of light-sensitive receptors in the skin,  so we certainly can't let you miss out on having it.

How it works-

LED therapy works by stimulating the skin at a cellular level. When the skin is exposed to specific wavelengths of light, it can trigger various biological processes. Dermalux uses three specific wavelengths: Red, Blue and Infrared.  For example, red light can penetrate the skin and stimulate collagen production. Collagen is a protein that helps maintain the skin’s structure and elasticity. Still, its production tends to decrease with age, prolonged unprotected sun exposure and hormonal changes, contributing to sagging and wrinkles. LED therapy can help improve skin firmness and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. 

Also, did you know that Menopause can often lead to changes in skin texture, with increased pigmentation, dryness and roughness, triggering or worsening skin concerns like redness, irritation, acne and sensitivity due to hormonal fluctuations. LED light therapy can help calm the skin, reduce redness, accelerate the skin's natural healing process and minimise scarring. It helps improve overall skin texture by increasing hydration and promoting a healthier, smoother surface. We can also use near-infrared to target deeper cells, particularly when combined with red light for advanced rejuvenation.

When planning your treatments, we have the added benefit of using blue light, particularly for congested, acne-prone skin. Blue light can help reduce a particular bacteria associated with acne. We know acne can be very distressing, so we want to incorporate this kind of technology into your treatment regimes, helping to reduce redness and inflammation and improve the clarity of the skin.

Our treatments are designed to give the optimum combination of benefits for skin rejuvenation and targeting concerns. We love using LED at lumiere Medispa for all its researched results and the results we see. It is a valuable addition to your treatments.

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